Official Report of Debates (Hansard)
(Thursday December 11th 2014)
Main Idea:
is the traditional name for the transcripts of Parliamentary Debates in Britain
and other Commonwealth countries (including Canada). In Ontario, no official
record of the debates was produced before 1944. The debates were recorded in newspapers.
The provincial archives clipped and collected these reports in a series of
scrapbooks until 1953. The provincial parliament prints the reports as well as posts
them on the Parliamentary website, with records since April 21, 1981 to present
sittings. Today the Hansard reporter sits at the back of the Chamber. This
Particular Hansard was recorded on December 11th 2014 (my last day
as a page as well as the last day that the House sat before the winter break).
The day that this debate was
recorded (December 11th 2014), energy policies, government
accountability, infrastructure funding, air-rail link, coroner’s inquest,
health care, public transit, water quality and Aboriginal programs and services
were discussed during question period. This was followed by two votes and then
introduction of visitors. During introduction of visitors, MPP’s introduce any
guests that have come to watch the debates in the chamber. These guests can be
anyone from the public or visiting officials. Often times the parents of pages
will come see the action in the chamber. Since I was Page Captain on that
particular day, my MPP, Yvan Baker introduced my brother and father that had
come visit me in the Chamber. Next, Ministers would make statements on anything
they wanted to share with the legislature, for example Ms. Peggy Sattler
discussed the Mississauga Transitway, while Mr. Steve Clark discussed Christmas
tree lighting. Later, motions on Sexual Violence and Harassment were discussed.
Then, Ministers shared notable events and happenings going on in their
Ministries. Finally, petitions from MPP’s riding were introduced. On December
11th 2014, the House adjourned early. As it was the last day of
serving for the pages and of course the MPP’s, many warm seasons greetings were
exchanged between members and Legislative assistants, like pages.
All of the Members of the
Provincial Parliament, and Legislative assistance were involved. They all
played some sort of a role during the debates in the chamber. For example: Hon.
Dave Levac (Speaker), Deborah Deller (Clerk), Hon. Kathleen Wynn, Hon. Liz
Sandals (Minister of Education), Andrea Horwath (Leader of the third party),
Hon. Bob Chiarelli (Minister of Energy), etc.
Best Parts:
all of the debates going on in the Chamber were extremely interesting (from
what I did understand), I believe that the best parts were during Introduction
of Guests when my brother and father were introduced, Question Period when all
of the Members were quarrelling and finally, Petitions. When a member has a
petition, he/she will stand up and a page will go and stand behind them. When
the Member has finished reading the petition Legislature, they give it to the
page and say “I will give this petition to page _____ to take down to the
Clerks”. I really enjoyed reading the part of the Hansard record when Todd
Smith said “I agree with this. I’ll send it to the table with page Maja”.
Worst Parts:
As I
really enjoyed reading over the record, I cannot really say that there were
terrible parts. However, I could say that I disliked the use of large words
used by the MPP’s, as I am a little too young to understand some of them. Other
than that there is nothing that I would change (its not like it really can be
of 10 I rate this print 10/10. Although some words were a bit more difficult to
understand, I can only expand my vocabulary from hearing so many serious, word
filled speeches and debates. On the other hand, what I did understand happened
to be extremely interesting.
Wow, I have never had anyone review a government document before. It must have been a real thrill to have your name read out in parliament and to have it on official record for the rest of history!!
ReplyDeleteThere needs to be some media components in here. You could have linked to the Hansard report so I could read it. You could have used clips from the government channel to link to show what parliamentary procedure was like.